Refugee Coalition for Climate Action (RCCA)
A youth-led movement that facilitates a child-youth participation approach to Climate and environmental
action in Tongogara Refugee Camp and the host communities in Chipinge District of Zimbabwe.

Delivering informative and well-oriented young people from refugee and host communities to raise the bar in Climate and environmental response.

RCCA envisages a community where young people are effective champions in Climate Change mitigation, adaptation, and environmental conservation.
Our Objectives
Environment Protection
To positively impact the natural environment in the refugee and the host community through physical environment protection and restoration.
Community Engagement
To foster positive engagement between displaced people and their host communities to build knowledge that paves climate and environmental resilience.
Food Security
To expedite Fruit tree-based systems to ensure food security and nutrition for the refugee and the host community
Environment Restoration
To champion environmental restoration to revive our natural environment
Climate Dialogue
To create dialogue on climate and environmental resilience
Gender Equality
To facilitate climate justice using women and girls'Â leadership
Climate Action
To promote children’s views on climate action
Our Achievements
Our climate and environmental information dissemination reached 1,940 young people from 2022 to mid-2023.
During "My Planet, My Right Campaigns" which led to the adoption of General comment number 26 on children's rights to a healthy environment with a special focus on climate change, our members within the Southern Africa Regional Youth Network collected 640 signatures from young people.
Over 1000 fruit and non-fruit trees have been planted at different households and public institutions in Tongogara Refugee Camp.
We cleaned some of the littered places across Tongogara Refugee Camp as well as the surrounding hosting communities, paying special attention to frequently visited places by children and young people.
We have managed to raise over 30 young leaders who are currently acting and advocating for climate and environmental safety.
Our Gallery


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Our 2023 Targets
- Reaching over 1500 young people in our climate and environmental knowledge dissemination
- Planting over 1000 trees within the refugee camp and the host community
- Establishing an orchard gum tree as an intervention to protect Tongogara Primary school from the increasing cyclones and storms
- In Collaboration with the Tongogara Youth, Green Institute, and other interesting organizations, RCCA wishes to conduct many clean-up campaigns within the refugee and immediate host communities.
Contact Us
Tongogara Refugee Camp
Open Hours:
Mon-Sat: 9am - 6pm